Motif Ensembles
Motif Youth Chorale and Motif Chorale,
under the direction of Rachel Maki
Project Based Performances
Short Term Registrations
Distinctive Performing Opportunities
Auditions depending on Projects
Choral Showcase
Designed as a Local Treble Voice Honor Choir
No Audition Required
Grades 7th-12th
Location: Downtown Milwaukee
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
Wednesday April 2nd 6:30-8:30
Thursday April 3rd 6:30-8:30
Friday April 4th 6:30-8:30
Performance: Sunday April 6th
Call Time: Noon
Performance 1:30pm
Youth Performers will work with Ms. Maki learning 4-5 Treble Voice Songs while also learning Artistic Phrasing and Vocal Technique.
Cost: $160
Special Discount- SAVE $35 when Registering for BOTH the Chorale Showcase and for Level 2 Vocal Theory Intensive Course Starting Feb. 12th.
Deal End February 4th!
Scroll down to read more about Vocal Theory Courses
Registration for the MMVA's Chorale Showcase closes March 12th.
Music will be shared prior to festival for preparation
through Google Classroom.
4 Week Vocal Theory Intensive
* Designed for passionate singers who want to improve
their music theory understanding.*
This course is highly recommended to new and current
MMVA performers to aid in the rehearsal score reading.
Course Focus: Foundations of Vocal Music Theory and Notation, Key Signatures, Solfege, Ear training and application to song.​​​​
Session 2: Level 2 OPEN until February 4th!
*Recommend after completing Level 1 or understands music symbols, rhythmic counting, and basic key signatures.
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
Feb. 12th- March 5th
Grades 7th-12th
7:00pm-8:30 pm
Capacity- 20 Participants per course
Do you want more details? Learn more here.